MONOJ GOGOI FEWS Parts A Flood Early Warning System contains following parts; Transmitter end: Transmitter Box : it contains a circuit with small chips. These chips use for decoding signals. Sensors : Sensors are use for detecting the level of water. As water enters the sensor lead, former pushes the later which leads to generate signals on transmitter box. Sensor pipe: It is long plastic pipe fixed with sensors. It has holes which help during cleaning the interior part of sensor pipe. Antenna : a small antenna needs to fix with the transmitter end to send the signal to receiver part. Battery: a small battery of 6Volt needs to fix with transmitter box. It supply power to the whole transmitter end. Solar panel: a small solar panel needs to fix with transmitter box which supply power to charge the battery. Bamboo pole : one bamboo pole is use to fix whole system along with sensor pipe, transmitter box, solar panel and antenna. Recei...
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