MONOJ GOGOI Gopal Toppo, 23, a students’ activist and teacher died this morning at his home in Factory Line of Ananda Tea Estate in Lakhimpur district. Toppo had been suffering from severe chest pain for last few months and this morning at 6:00 am he succumbed to this. He was continuing as education secretary in the Ananda unit of All Adivasi Students’ Association of Assam (AASSAA) and also serving as teacher at Saint Don Bosco School near Ananda Tea Estate. The fellow student activists of the area expressed deep grief and hoisted the AASAA flags during his cremation. The AASAA secretary Joseph Minj mourned at his sudden death and conveyed his condolences to the bereaved family. He told that the organization lost a very active leader with high potentiality in the district. “He was the only son of the family and also sole breadwinner. Therefore we request the government and also the tea estate authority to help the family with some financial assistance. Adivasi Sa...
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