Dhemaji: Rimpi Tripathi, a 21-year old girl of Gogamukh has brought glory to the state by inventing a rape prevention device. In an interaction, Rimpi eloquently told that the device could fully protect a girl or woman from rape at anytime and at any place. She told that device was worn by a woman as an inner in the upper portion of the body. If someone tried to grab it, it generate electric shock in the outer side and if one was shocked he could not stand up again up to 10 minutes. The battery attached to the device, which named as Society Harnessing Equipment (SHE), could create such electric shock up to 82 times. Moreover, immediately after the grab, the pressure sensor attached with the device sends two messages to two different locations-one to the family or whose number was fixed and another to the nearby police station. "The first message", she told, "informs about the location with the mobile GPS and the GSM about the location and the next message is sent as 'need help'. The device can also kept in off/on mode with a switch over it."
Rimpi, the daughter of Awadesh Tiwari (Tripathi) and Shobha Tripathi of Gogamukh and a 2nd year B Tech student in Instrumentation and Control Engineering at Sri Ram Memorial University in Chennai told she was greatly perturbed by the news of the Delhi gang-rape in television and started to brood over it and thought where there was a problem there was a solution. Later when she reached her college from her home, one day she talked with her selected college mates till midnight over the issue. Then she took the project SHE to work on it. She told that in the entire project she was assisted by two of her college mates- one is Niladri Basu Bal, a student of Instrumentation and Control Engineering and by Manisha Mohan, a student of Automobile Engineering. Rimpi told that they did a lot of hard works day and night to invent it now their effort had been recognised globally and they were awarded several times by some distinguish institutions for the invention. In the interaction, she told that social problems were always identified but just few people bothered to solve . She urged the young generation to think over the solution of social issues as all were the part of the society. This IAS aspirant student told that she was still working on it for innovation.
Dhemaji: Rimpi Tripathi, a 21-year old girl of Gogamukh has brought glory to the state by inventing a rape prevention device. In an interaction, Rimpi eloquently told that the device could fully protect a girl or woman from rape at anytime and at any place. She told that device was worn by a woman as an inner in the upper portion of the body. If someone tried to grab it, it generate electric shock in the outer side and if one was shocked he could not stand up again up to 10 minutes. The battery attached to the device, which named as Society Harnessing Equipment (SHE), could create such electric shock up to 82 times. Moreover, immediately after the grab, the pressure sensor attached with the device sends two messages to two different locations-one to the family or whose number was fixed and another to the nearby police station. "The first message", she told, "informs about the location with the mobile GPS and the GSM about the location and the next message is sent as 'need help'. The device can also kept in off/on mode with a switch over it."
Rimpi, the daughter of Awadesh Tiwari (Tripathi) and Shobha Tripathi of Gogamukh and a 2nd year B Tech student in Instrumentation and Control Engineering at Sri Ram Memorial University in Chennai told she was greatly perturbed by the news of the Delhi gang-rape in television and started to brood over it and thought where there was a problem there was a solution. Later when she reached her college from her home, one day she talked with her selected college mates till midnight over the issue. Then she took the project SHE to work on it. She told that in the entire project she was assisted by two of her college mates- one is Niladri Basu Bal, a student of Instrumentation and Control Engineering and by Manisha Mohan, a student of Automobile Engineering. Rimpi told that they did a lot of hard works day and night to invent it now their effort had been recognised globally and they were awarded several times by some distinguish institutions for the invention. In the interaction, she told that social problems were always identified but just few people bothered to solve . She urged the young generation to think over the solution of social issues as all were the part of the society. This IAS aspirant student told that she was still working on it for innovation.
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